刘 雯
高级副教授 电子与电气工程系 Wen.Liu@xjtlu.edu.cn
刘雯博士,西浦智能工程学院电子与电气工程系副教授,博士生导师,英国高等教育协会会士,第三代半导体产业技术创新战略联盟(CASA)青年创新促进委员会委员,西浦第三代半导体电力电子器件与功率集成国际创新研究院常务副主任,IEEE高级会员,江苏省电源学会会员。刘雯博士在国际专业期刊发表SCI论文40余篇,会议论文50余篇,常年参与IEEE EDL\TED\Applied Physics Letters 等期刊审稿,是IEEE EDL金牌审稿人。其申请发明专利20余件,已授权6件,编制行业标准2项,主持了十余项各级研发项目,包括国家重点研发计划、华为公司横向课题等,2018年以来作为项目负责人已获经费超过800万元。
  • A. Li et al., "A Supply Voltage Insensitive Two-Transistor Temperature Sensor With PTAT/CTAT Outputs Based on Monolithic GaN Integrated Circuits," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 38, no. 9, pp. 10584-10588, Sept. 2023, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2023.3288937.
  • Yuhao Zhu et al "A 35 V - 5 V Monolithic integrated GaN-based DC-DC Floating Buck Converter" 2023 Semicond. Sci. Technol. 38 095001
  • Y. Zhu, Fan Li, M Cui, Z. Fang, Ang Li, Y. Dong, Yinchao Zhao, Huiqing Wen, and Wen Liu*., "Monolithic Dual-Gate E-Mode Device-Based NAND Logic Block for GaN MIS-HEMTs IC Platform," in IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, vol. 11, pp. 230-234, 2023, doi: 10.1109/JEDS.2023.3265372.
  • Ang Li, Yi Shen, Ziqian Li, Fan Li, Sun, R., Ivona Z. Mitrovic, Huiqing Wen, Lam, S., Wen Liu* . A 4-Transistor Monolithic Solution to Highly Linear On-chip Temperature Sensing in GaN Power Integrated Circuits. IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 333-336, Feb. 2023, doi: 10.1109/LED.2022.3226684.
  • Yuanlei Zhang, Zhiwei Sun, Weisheng Wang, Ye Liang, Miao Cui, Yinchao Zhao, Huiqing Wen, Wen Liu*, “Low-Resistance Ni/Ag Ohmic Contacts on GaN-based p-Channel Heterojunction Field-Effect Transistor”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 31-35, Jan. 2023, doi: 10.1109/TED.2022.3225367.
  • Q Wang, S Duan, J Qin, Y Sun, S Wei, P Song, W Liu, Dynamic residual deep learning with photoelectrically regulated neurons for immunological classification.- Cell Reports Physical Science, 2023
  • Y Liang, Y Zhang, Jingqun Zhang, Xiuyuan He, Y Zhao, Miao Cui, Huiqing Wen, Mingxiang Wang*, Wen Liu*, "Characterization of Oxide Trapping in SiC MOSFETs Under Positive Gate Bias," in IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, vol. 10, pp. 920-926, 2022, doi: 10.1109/JEDS.2022.3212697.
  • Guangze Zu, Huiqing Wen, Yinxiao Zhu, Rui Zhong , Qinglei Bu, Wen Liu, Yinchao Zhao, and Miao Cui, "Review of Pulse Test Setup for the Switching Characterization of GaN Power Devices," in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,2022 doi: 10.1109/TED.2022.3168238.
  • Wang QN, Zhao C, Liu W, Mitrovic IZ, van Zalinge H, Liu YN, Zhao CZ. 2022. Synaptic transistors based on transparent oxide for neural image recognition. Solid-State Electronics. 194:Article 108342. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sse.2022.108342
  • Wang, Qinan ; Zhao, Tianshi ; Zhao, Chun, Liu, W., Yang, L., Liu, Y., Sheng, D., Xu, R., Ge, Y., Tu, X., Gao, H., Zhao, C. / Solid-State Electrolyte Gate Transistor with Ion Doping for Biosignal Classification of Neuromorphic Computing. In: Advanced Electronic Materials. 2022.
  • Ang Li, Yi Shen, Ziqian Li, Ivona Z. Mitrovic, Huiqing Wen, Wen Liu*, "A Monolithically Integrated 2-Transistor Voltage Reference With a Wide Temperature Range Based on AlGaN/GaN Technology," in IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 362-365, March 2022, doi: 10.1109/LED.2022.3146263.( IF 4.187)
  • Yutao Cai*, Yuanlei Zhang, Ye Liang, Ivona Z. Mitrovic, Huiqing Wen, Wen Liu*, and Cezhou Zhao, "Low ON-State Resistance Normally-OFF AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTs With Partially Recessed Gate and ZrOₓ Charge Trapping Layer," in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 68, no. 9, pp. 4310-4316, Sept. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TED.2021.3100002.
  • Ang Li, Miao Cui, Yi Shen, Ziqian Li, Wen Liu*, Ivona Z. Mitrovic, Huiqing Wen, and Cezhou Zhao*, Monolithic comparator and sawtooth generator of AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTs with threshold voltage modulation and high-temperature applications, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume: 68, Issue: 6, Jun 2021. pp 2673-2679. DOI: 202110.1109/TED.2021.3075425
  • Miao Cui, Qinglei Bu, Yutao Cai, Wen Liu, Huiqing Wen, Cezhou Zhao et al, “Monolithic Integration Design of GaN-based Power Chip Including Gate Driver for High-Temperature DC-DC Converters” 25 April 2019 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 58- 056505
  • Y. Cai et al., "Effect of High-k Passivation Layer on High Voltage Properties of GaN Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Devices," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 95642-95649, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2995906.
  • Yutao Cai, Wen Liu, Miao Cui, Ruize Sun, Yung.C Liang, Huiqing Wen, Li Yang, Siti Supardan, Ivona Z. Mitrovic, Stephen Taylor, Paul R. Chalker and Ce Zhou Zhao, “Effect of Surface Treatment on Electrical Properties of GaN Metal Insulator-Semiconductor Devices with Al2O3 Gate Dielectric” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 12 March 2020, Vol 59, No.4, DOI: 10.35848/1347-4065/ab7863
  • Miao Cui, Ruize Sun, Qinglei Bu, Wen Liu, Huiqing Wen, Ang Li, Yung Liang, Cezhou Zhao, “Monolithic GaN Half-Bridge Stages with Integrated Gate Drivers for High Temperature DC-DC Buck Converters”. IEEE Access. Vol:7, Page(s): 184375 - 184384 Dec, 09 2019 DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2958059.
  • 钱洪途,朱永生,邓光敏,刘雯,陈敦军,裴轶.级联结构氮化镓功率器件及其在无线电能传输系统中的应用[J]. 电源学报, 2019,17(3):38-43 核心期刊、JST,CSCD
2008年, 南洋理工大学, 博士
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